Due to Cyclone Alfred, all shipments from our warehouse will be delayed until Monday for the safety of our team. We appreciate your understanding.

Want to help a mumma in need?

This Mother’s Day we thought we thought we’d do our giveaway a little different. This year we are here to help a Mumma In Need. She is someone you know who is doing it a little tough at the moment - but she is also a woman that continues to inspire those around her &  strives to be the best mumma there is. 

The Modern Mum wears many hats, juggling the responsibilities of motherhood, work life and family life - which can be extremely challenging at times and we often don’t get the chance to practice self-care the way we would deserve to. 

In collaboration with Andre from @keiraandnix - we are honoured to be giving away one $250 voucher to a lucky winner.  We hope that through this we can put a smile on her face & help make her Mother’s Day that little bit extra special. 

To nominate a Mumma in need : Submit the nomination form below and tell us what makes her such a special woman.

 The winner will be announced via email  - we won’t share her name on our social media pages or to other customers - for her privacy. We will pick the winner on Sunday morning at 9 am the 9th of May. 

Click the link & nominate her


With love,

The Lilac and Mila girls & Andre


Terms + Conditions: This giveaway is open to Australian residents aged 18+. Nomination counts as completed nomination form at lilacandmila.com before 9 am Sunday the 9th of May​. If the prize isn’t claimed within 3 days - Lilac and Mila reserves the right to pick a new winner.